Author Guidelines

Guidelines for Authors

Welcome to Jesocin, a publication platform that provides space for sharing and disseminating knowledge in various fields. We highly appreciate your contribution as an author, and here is a comprehensive guide to ensure that your manuscript is processed smoothly and meets our publication standards.

1. Journal Objectives and Scope

Jesocin aims to disseminate original research findings and other scholarly contributions in various fields. We accept manuscripts covering, but not limited to, Ensure that your manuscript is relevant to the journal's objectives and scope.

2. Writing Requirements

Please note the following when writing your manuscript:

a. Format: Use an appropriate writing format according to academic standards, including the structure of title, abstract, introduction, method, results, discussion, and bibliography.

b. Word Limit: Ensure that your manuscript adheres to the specified word limit for the type of article you are submitting.

c. Language: Write your manuscript in English.

d. Writing Style: Use a consistent writing style in accordance with our journal writing guidelines. For reference, you can use APA, MLA, or other relevant formatting guides.

3. Manuscript Submission Process

a. Registration: Make sure you are registered as an author on our platform before submitting your manuscript.

b. Submission: Submit your manuscript through our online submission system and be sure to attach all required files.

c. Peer Review: Your manuscript will be peer-reviewed to assess the quality and originality of your scholarly contribution.

4. Ethics and Academic Integrity

a. Plagiarism: Avoid plagiarism by including relevant references and detailing the sources of information used.

b. Confidentiality: Maintain the confidentiality of peer review results and other information provided during the submission process.

5. Notification and Publication

a. Editorial Decision: The editorial decision will be communicated to you after the peer review process is completed.

b. Publication: If your manuscript is accepted, we will guide you through the publication process and ensure that your manuscript is ready for publication.

6. Contact and Assistance

If you have further questions or need assistance, feel free to contact our editorial team at or through the messaging system on our submission platform.

Thank you for your contribution in making Jesocin a quality space for sharing knowledge and research. We look forward to receiving your manuscript soon.

Best regards, 

