Publication Process
Publication Process
Welcome to Jesocin Journal, our scholarly publishing platform. Here are the steps of the article publishing process on our website:
1. Account Registration:
- Register an account as an author on the Jesocin Journal website.
2. Manuscript Preparation:
- Write the article according to the established writing guidelines.
- Ensure the article format follows the correct structure, including title, abstract, introduction, method, results, discussion, and bibliography.
3. Article Submission:
- Upload the article manuscript through the article submission system on the website.
- Attach all required files, such as images, tables, and supporting data.
4. Peer Review:
- The article will undergo a peer-review process by experts in the relevant field.
- Review results will be provided to the author for corrections or revisions.
5. Editorial Decision:
- Editorial decisions will be made based on the review results and the feasibility of the article.
- Authors will be informed whether the article is accepted, needs revision, or is rejected.
6. Article Revision:
- If revision is required, authors are asked to make corrections according to feedback and suggestions from the reviewers.
7. Publication Preparation:
- Accepted articles will be prepared for publication.
- Authors will be asked to provide additional information if needed.
8. Publication:
- The article will be published online after the preparation process is complete.
- Readers can freely access the article on the Jesocin Journal website.
9. Promotion and Indexing:
- Published articles will be promoted through social media and other sources.
- Articles will also be indexed for accessibility through scholarly databases.
10. Performance Monitoring: - Article performance will be monitored, including download and citation counts. - Authors will be given access to this information through their personal accounts.
We hope this publishing process provides an efficient and beneficial experience for authors. If you have further questions, feel free to contact our editorial team. Thank you for your contribution to Jesocin Journal!